WordPress: Empowering Your Online Presence

Apr 12 2019

If you are a blogger or just somebody that needs a website to work with, you will certainly come across people that will encourage you to use WordPress in creating your website or blog. It is quite famous since research conducted in April 2018 indicates that about 60 million websites utilize it, of which, this consists of about 30-31% of the entire web.

So you will wonder, what is WordPress?

Consider WordPress as one of the free software that you can utilize to create a website. Its founders’, Mike Little and Matt Mullenweg, released it in 2003, under the GPLv2 license. Since then, it has gained a lot of attention since it is quite effective in creating and maintaining a website.

The majority of WordPress users are bloggers. However, there are multiple other websites that can be created from this free software. They include resumes, forums, portfolios, social networks, business websites, and eCommerce stores.

How WordPress Works

For WordPress to function, you must install the software in your web server. Then, log into the site you prefer using your default web browser. From there, you are free to create web pages using a simple editor. There’s even a hosted version at WordPress.com that allows you to create a new WordPress-powered website in just a few seconds.

Reasons To Use WordPress

There are multiple reasons why people prefer to use WordPress to create their blogs and other websites.

1. It is an open source

WordPress is not restricted to specific people. Whoever needs it can access it since it is free. Additionally, it keeps improving thus attracting more people as technology and needs advance.

2. It is extensible and flexible

WordPress contains so many themes and plugins. Therefore, you have the liberty and ability to manipulate these features to ensure that your website appears unique and attractive.

3. Effective usability

Learning and using WordPress will never disappoint you. It saves you the cost of hiring a web designer since you can make those small changes or updates that you need.

4. Support availability

It is normal to experience problems. The WordPress Forum is always ready to answer whatever you ask. Additionally, there are many tutorials to use.

5. Content control

WordPress does not limit the control you have over your content. If you wish, you can export your data to other contents.

In conclusion, growing with WordPress is quite easy due to its flexibility. You do not have to learn to code and you get to control your site as you wish. This kind of liberty online is quite encouraging to many.

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