What is the difference between WordPress.com and WordPress.org?

Dec 05 2020

Although WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems. WordPress is the most common website builder which millions of people are using at the present time. However, it is much popular but still, a lot of people are confused about the difference between wordpress.com and wordpress.org. Therefore, we have brought this article so that you can understand the difference between wordpress.com and wordpress.org.

Difference between wordpress.com and wordpress.org

Although, WordPress is the most common and free source website building software. But when you will write WordPress in Google then there will occur two results. For the people who are new to this, it would be difficult to understand which one is better for them. So, understanding the basic differences between wordpress.com and wordpress.org seems like really necessary for everyone.

Therefore, the following statements to describe the difference between wordpress.com and wordpress.org are better for you to know.

1.    Website Hosting

If you have decided to use wordpress.org then you must know that you need hosting to host it. You have to buy your hosting services to run your website based on wordpress.org. Although wordpress.org is self-hosted service but it provides amazing flexibility to its users. 

Furthermore, for wordpress.com is a blogging platform. Therefore, you just have to sign-up to wordpress.com and can get an account to start your website. For this, you do not have to get your own hosting provider.

2.    Domain name

As you know that Domain name is a source to recognize your website in the online world. Therefore, you must know about the difference of domain names for both services. For wordpress.org you can get a custom domain name as per your needs. In contrast for wordpress.com, the site extension will always come in the domain name. For example, for your domain name abc.com, it will appear like www.abc.wordpress.com.

3.    Themes and Plugins

For WordPress.com, the user does not have to worry about plugin installation because every site comes with preloaded plugin plans. Similarly, when it comes to themes installation you can install free premade themes which are available for wrodpress.com.

While for WordPress.org user is independent to install the themes from any resource. You can also customize the themes according to your needs. When we talk about wordpress.org, the user is free to add plugins in their websites. As it is a self-hosted solution, therefore, you have full independence to use resources on wordpress.org.

When you should prefer to use WordPress.org or WordPress.com

If you need a free platform to get a better start then wordpress.com can be a better option for you. For the reason that it is free to use and you do not have to buy hosting services.

On the other hand, if you want a flexible solution to use with full independence then wordpress.org is better. It is because wordpress.com offers limited flexibility options. So, if you are looking for a platform to use for long run go with wordpress.org. You can also monetize your wordpress.org website to earn passive income with ease.

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